Who is Chevs?

Disclaimer: Instead of updating my bio every X amount of months or years, I decided to keep my previous bios and just re-introduce myself when I feel as though it is necessary. Enjoy!

Feb 1, 2024 Version

Well, hello again. Allow me to re-introduce myself. My name is Siobhan Higgins and I am an *injured professional soccer player, a soccer coach, a sister, a daughter, a yogi (teacher in training), a sports psychology consultant, a ref, the list goes on. I’m still that on-the-go Chevs I’ve always been, I’m just a little more grounded (wohoo). I love to practice yoga, go for walks, read, write, dance, but most of all (and this will never change) sleep. I always feel bad when people recommend a movie or show to me. They sound great, but I will 120% always choose sleep over watching tv!

Since my ACL injury in March of 2023, my life has looked very different. I have seen very low lows, but I’ve made the best of my situation because that’s really all you can do. It’s given me painful insight on other people and truly forced me to introspect for months - something I was extremely uncomfortable and unprepared to do.

I’m still resilient (if not more), I’m still fun, but now I’m putting my gifts to use in other ways. I love children and soccer - so I coach the youth. I love to write - so I journal and blog. I love making people laugh - so I story tell & socialize. I love to practice yoga - so I’m getting my teaching license to share with others. I love to move - so I stay active. And lastly, I love to help others succeed - so I consult with athletes to improve their mental performance.

Don’t mind me, y’all. Just doin’ the damn thing. 2024 is a year where I can exhale and say “I’ve earned this shit”. And man does it feel good.

P.s. I like mushrooms now (?). I don’t have a wine preference. My music taste is all over the place so find my top 3 artists as: Fred Again, Taylor Swift, & SZA. I have also grown up & acquired the taste of olives… in a dirty martini only ofc.

Connect with me please! My cup is full and I am prepared to spread the energy.

2024 Siobhan Higgins, B.A., M.A.

July 12 2021 Version

Hello! I’m Siobhan. Pronounced “Shuh-vahn”! Just want to make sure that’s drilled into your head. To some of you I might be the girl that’s always traveling. Or the girl that plays professional soccer. Or the girl that changes her Instagram name every month in accordance to the holiday/relevance. All of the above is true! From my POV, I am the girl that is always on the go. The extrovert. The “ask Siobhan, she’ll do it” friend. The girl that will always stand up for what she believes in, despite the people or circumstances that might make it difficult. The girl that doesn’t give up. The “unapologetically herself” girl. The latina-in-disguise. And a fan favorite - The dream chaser!! There are very few challenges that I will back down from. I’m highly competitive. And although I’m a high achiever, I actually struggle with staying motivated. I recognize that discipline is necessary to have when motivation is absent, and these days I’m trying my best to kick myself into gear. If I was lost and you needed to find me I’d either be on a soccer field, at the gym, at the Whataburger drive-thru, in my bed, or watching the sunset. Yes yes, I am a hopeless romantic. Shall I move on to fun facts? I can’t keep a tan to save my life. I know how to read music. My favorite drink is coke a cola - never diet. I prefer white over red wine. Steak medium rare. Hold the mushrooms. I’ll tell you I don’t like surprises, but the truth is that I do. I’m just a little bit of a perfectionist to where if the surprise isn’t strategically and thoughtfully planned - there’s a high chance I’ll hate it. I’m very in-touch with my emotions. I think it’s a great trait to be aware of why we feel certain emotions and not just brush them off. I like to understand why people do and think they way they do. And that’s about it for now. I’m boring myself.

Feel free to reach out! Don’t be shy. And remember, social media is fake. :)


December 17 2020 Version

Hiii! I’m Siobhan. I also go by Shiv (in the UK), and Chevs (in the US). I could say that I’m just your average-everyday girl, but that would be a lie. I take pride in being different. I asked my friends to describe me with one word and the feedback I received was: caring, vibrant, unique, and friendly. I would describe myself as: hardworking, dedicated, witty, and creative. I play football (soccer), and the last club I played for was Hearts Women FC in Edinburgh, Scotland (the country known for whiskey, a giant castle in the middle of everything, raining all the time, “the rolling hills”, Harry Potter scenes, and bagpipes). Although I was born in Scotland, I consider south Texas home. My mom, dad, and big sis live there with our three “fur babies”. I am a quarter of a century old, “small but mighty”, a sagittarius, ruthless, critical, but very loving. In my free time I enjoy reading, writing, creating digital graphics, drawing, listening to new music, socializing, but to sum it up: living.

I loooooove long walks on the beach, watching the sun set, staring at the moon, and being a hopeless romantic. Although many of you might believe I was born outside of my comfort zone, I decided to create this website to ensure that I stay out of it.

Feel free to stalk my social media accounts. Remember, you can only see what I want you to see :)

Picture credit: Patrice Douge